Miss Micah's Kitchen is Growing!

As you may have already learned, Miss Micah's Kitchen has changed its focus to the WHOLE health and wellness solution. My focus is to provide resources to help you improve your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

In this transformation, Miss Micah's Kitchen chose to partner with Isagenix! I couldn't be happier with my choice!

You may be asking why Isagenix? Although there are countless health and wellness companies available to partner with, what makes Isagenix unique?

I'm glad you asked!

When I first discovered Isagenix, I was skeptical, as most would be. In fact, I said NO before even being willing to listen to what it was about!

We've all heard it before. But, this company is the best! This one is different! It offers X, Y, & Z.

We're given promises that the company, products, and people just can't fulfill. It leaves us feeling empty, used, betrayed, and worst yet still with the issues we started with when we were hoping to find a solution.

Yes, I've been there too. Unfortunately, I've been burned by so many "health and wellness" products making claims. As a result, I've lost friendships, finances, and countless hours.

A friend introduced me to Isagenix, and even though I said NO, he encouraged me to listen to WHY Isagenix was different. So I said, "fine," hoping he'd leave me alone if I humored him for a few minutes.

I looked at some of the products and said, I can't take it if it has certain ingredients in it." Within a matter of moments, he had an answer for me.

Not by way of a quick search through the website hoping to find the answer, but by contacting "the powers that be" to access a full investigation of the specific ingredient with a confident explanation of exactly which product it was in.

Huh, I've never had that happen before. Coincidence, right? I still wasn't impressed.

I continued to ask about other products and ingredients. My friend couldn't answer them for me, so I figured we were done. The next thing I know, I am on the phone with one of the top leaders in nutrition within the company. At this point, I am a little impressed.

He says, "I want you to talk to someone else and hear her testimony." I'm slightly annoyed because I just feel like he is trying to "sell me on it."

I said, "okay, but this is the last call."

I found myself talking to a lady who was just like me. She had been burned. Never again. Nothing has worked. Then she told me about the collagen that changed her life. I could hear the authenticity and excitement in her voice. I listened to the gratitude that flowed out of her. It not only changed her life but her son's, too. She spoke to pain points my family, and I struggled with; I especially thought of my mom as she shared her story.

In all honesty, even at the end of the call, I still wasn't convinced. "Okay," I thought. So it's helped you, but is it going to help me, my mom, or anyone else I know?

My friend said, "They believe in their product and stand behind it." If it doesn't work, you will get a full refund on your product, even if you've used it all, no questions asked."

I said, "I'll think about it." So I shared the information with my mom and brother. My mom was particularly interested. So we agreed to give it a try.

It has been 6 weeks since we started with Isagenix, and I am utterly blown away by the results we've experienced. But, of course, it has been different for each of us, as we are unique individuals with different systems and needs. So we tried various products to see what worked best for our needs.

My mom, Kathy, is 70 with energy loss, post covid issues, sleep problems, weight loss goals, thinning hair, and more.

My brother, Jordan, is 40 with physical handicaps. He has hair loss due to procedures done at birth in the hospital and an unknown skin condition that causes his face (beard specifically) to flake severely.

I am 35 with joint pain (History of fractured ankles, dislocated knees, and bad hips), weight loss goals, skin issues (HS, large pores, acne, stretch marks, dark circles, loose skin, etc.), energy loss, post covid issues, and more.

My son, Miles, is 11 with some developmental delays. He struggles with anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, sleep, and digestive issues. (Miles has excellent therapists that help him immensely!)

Jordan - within two weeks, his skin issues had completely cleared up! At 30 days, we thought to check his hair to see any changes. We were all excited to see lots of new hair growth!

Myself - within two weeks, I noticed all of my ankle pain was gone! In addition, I was sleeping better, and I had more natural energy! Less bloat and inflammation. Bathroom habits were improving. Eyelashes were longer, and I had more mental clarity.

At 30 days - I had softer skin, thicker, smoother, and stronger hair. Scars were fading, lips fuller, and I had noticeably brighter eyes and skin tone!

I even noticed my hormones were leveling out again, and my lady bits were happy!

At six weeks - My skin was tighter, dark circles under my eyes were fading, and stretch marks were diminishing.

Kathy - tried a few different products during her initial six weeks and learned that our SmartMix Green Drink worked best for her. It gave her natural energy, helped with bathroom habits, and made her feel better overall. She is NOT a veggie eater, and even she liked the green drink.

Miles - has seen improvements in his sleep, digestion, anxiety, and overall mood.

None of this is said to make medical claims, cure, or diagnose any health issues. It is our personal experience with the products.

However, I am finding many people having incredible results, specifically using our collagen elixir.

What I love is that there is a product for everyone! Isagenix offers a 100% money-back guarantee on ALL of its products! Isagenix wants what is best for YOU - the customer.

With over 70 exceptional products there is truly something for everyone and your unique needs!

Not only have I been thrilled with the products and the phenomenal results we've experienced, but I have fallen in love with the PEOPLE! The community that IS Isagenix is a literal prayer answered! I have met incredible people from all walks of life, in all phases of their journey, all seeking the same goal. To help others live better while they, too, are changing their lives for the better!

Follow the links below to learn more about Isagenix, it’s commitment to excellence, products, and more!

Liquid Marine Collagen

8 Steps to Safe and Pure Isagenix Products

Isagenix Health

Isagenix Products

Getting Healthy with Miss Micah’s Kitchen

How to do a Shake Day

How to do a Cleanse Day

Please contact me with any questions!

Ready to try collagen for yourself? Click here!