Getting Healthy with Miss Micah's Kitchen

I am excited to announce a new focus on health and wellness. Not only will Miss Micah's Kitchen be helping with grab-and-go meals, healthy recipes, and more. In addition, I will now be offering coaching, accountability, encouragement, an incredible community, plus the best nutrition and supplements available!

My goal is to offer a WHOLE experience. Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually.

As many know, your diet is not only what you eat. It is also what you listen to, watch, read, who you associate with, and more.

The bible says in Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it.

I understood this to be watchful of our words. This is because our words are so important for what we say to others and what we speak over ourselves.

Recently, a new perspective came about from this verse. More on that in a bit!

Our mind doesn't know the difference between a “joke” and truth. Be kind, always. The more we speak it out (positive or negative), the more it becomes truth and imbeds into our hearts.

If you are constantly saying

I am fat

I am ugly

I'm not good enough

I can't

It will become your truth. When others tell you otherwise, you won't accept the compliment. Instead, you'll believe they are lying or simply taking pity on you.

But if you say

I am beautiful

I am worthy

I am more than enough

I am capable

This will become your truth, and you won't look to others to validate you. Instead, you will KNOW your worth!

If you've been speaking negatively about yourself (and others), understand it will not be an overnight fix. Start with positive affirmations. Baby steps still make progress. Ask for help! Find an accountability partner.

I have been on a journey of growth, healing, and transformation for years, and I STILL ask my friends to help me when I realize I need to change my mindset or correct a habit.

Now about that new perspective on Proverbs 18:21!

I am starting a new challenge Monday (03/7/22) led by one of the sweetest couples I know! I am so excited to start this new journey and couldn't be happier for Daniel and Lindsey Crouch to be guiding us!

Daniel and Lindsey did a zoom sharing the challenge and shared a bit about their backgrounds and personal story.

During the zoom, Daniel referenced Proverbs 18:21 as not only being about your words but what you put in your mouth as well, which means what you physically eat.

I've always been aware of what we put into our bodies and how that affects many areas of our lives. However, I never connected it to this scripture. It's so simple, yet another way of God showing us the importance of what we feed on, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Please join us at Getting Healthy with Miss Micah’s Kitchen on Facebook!

To learn more about my new partnership and the amazing nutrition and supplements click here!